Storms have been washing the Oregon coast. Late in the day, almost evening, there was a break in the rain, so I went for a walk. Day was falling to darkness as I was coming back to the home meadows (I live in the country). Shut the driveway gate and walked out on the open top of the hill where I live. The rain clouds had thinned to patterned bands flowing across the night sky, and the moon - the full moon - was out. I stood on the hilltop, and watched and watched. I saw clouds flow across the sky and engulf the moon. Then I came in and drew it.
The moon is silver leaf; when light catches it, the moon shines. I've been experimenting with precious metals in my work, I call it "jewelry for your walls".
And this is the blue moon (second full moon in a month) - a lucky, magical moon bringing in the New Year.

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