Friday, January 15, 2010

Satisfied client

After receiving the portrait from Carolyn as a surprise Christmas gift, Tammy Cunningham sent the following:

I want to thank you so much for the beautiful portrait you did of my DaisyBleu. You truly captured her essence. The picture is so life like, that her brother Elliot (black Dobie) barks and runs away from it when he looks at it. Daisy has a tendency to push him around a bit. 
The portrait is really wonderful I will treasure it forever. You are such a talent. I can't wait until we can have portraits of the other 3 dogs done.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cloud monster in the sky swallowing the moon

I saw something amazing in the night sky on New Year's Eve.
Storms have been washing the Oregon coast. Late in the day, almost evening, there was a break in the rain, so I went for a walk. Day was falling to darkness as I was coming back to the home meadows (I live in the country). Shut the driveway gate and walked out on the open top of the hill where I live. The rain clouds had thinned to patterned bands flowing across the night sky, and the moon - the full moon - was out. I stood on the hilltop, and watched and watched. I saw clouds flow across the sky and engulf the moon. Then I came in and drew it. 

The moon is silver leaf; when light catches it, the moon shines. I've been experimenting with precious metals in my work, I call it "jewelry for your walls". 

And this is the blue moon (second full moon in a month) - a lucky, magical moon bringing in the New Year.