We had a storm that dumped a lot of water on the coast today. It is Winter Solstice, shortest day of the year. Toward the end of day, the grey sky was breaking up and clearing to blue. So I took myself down to Whaleshead Beach.
The storm waves were coming in huge. Tide was in, so there was hardly any beach --- dangerous to walk on in these conditions. So I stood on the cliff above. The chill air was perfectly clear.
You remember Whaleshead Rock, over which we saw the moon setting last summer --- you remember that huge rock that spouts a plume of water when the waves hit just right. (photo of spout taken on a mild summer evening).
When the waves hit today - the surging storm waves rolling in - the waves were going 1/3 of the way up the height of that massive rock. There were piles of cloud far out at sea and the whole air - the clouds and the sky - was in the most beautiful colors of pastel, with a half moon riding high in the heaven, and the rim of the clouds all in molten gold where the sun had set unto.
The voice of the sea is really something when it's in certain moods. It was a symphony today, one of the most beautiful I've heard (and I've been a son of the sea all my life). You should have heard the sound of the sea hitting Whaleshead Rock. It is the Winter Solstice today, the shortest day of the year. Hooray! That means we are on the upswing again!